Monday, March 20, 2017

Slice of Life Day 20 - Spring Break Day 1

What a great first day of Spring Break!   I was able to sleep in until 7:00 a.m. and then I got ready and went to my annual check-up.  I had a great visit with my doctor.  I am very healthy and he answered all of my questions.

He introduced me to Nordic Walking.  Have you ever heard of it?  It is walking with poles that look like ski poles that have rubber tips on the ends and it works all major muscle groups in the body.  The information he gave me says that Nordic walking offers more health benefits than regular walking, jogging, biking or running.

I had tried walking earlier this school year and ended up having back trouble so I had to do physical therapy.  He said that this type of walking helps you to keep your posture aligned and shouldn't cause back pain, so I'm going to look into it.

Okay, I'm going to be honest with whoever is reading my blog.  This is kind of personal, but I also told him that I have been avoiding sugar since January and I was able to lose six out of my ten pound goal but haven't been able to lose the last four pounds.  He talked to me about carbohydrates and printed out some information about them.  I am excited to learn about this but at the same time I just realized that just about everything that I have been eating, thinking I was making healthy choices, are carbohydrates.  Fruit, honey, yogurt, oatmeal, popcorn, tortilla chips, and beans are all carbohydrates. The good thing about it is that knowledge is power.  I think with making a few changes and switching out proteins for some carbohydrates and adding some exercise, I should be able to lose those stubborn pounds.

After my check-up I had lunch with my Mom at Panera Bread and then we went to the Y and worked out in the pool together.  We went to the Sophie store while we were in the area which is something I have been wanting to do.

My daughter called from Texas and we got caught up after her first week in Texas.  She is in culture shock and is trying to adjust.  I thought she might get home-sick until she can make new friends and get involved in the community, but I didn't think about the culture being different.

All in all, I really enjoyed my first day of Spring Break.

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