Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Slice of Life Day 8 - Inspired

I have always been kind of a late bloomer.  I feel like I do things later than others.  There are tulips that come up in early spring and then there are some that come up a little later.  I would be one that came later.  It just takes me a little longer to get ready, to process things and think them through before I am ready.  In the color code, I'm a blue/white and this is a white tendency.

I started first grade when I was five and had not gone to kindergarten so I always felt behind.  I felt like I was always trying to catch up.  My husband and I got married before I finished college and I went back to college a little later and finished which made me a non-traditional student.  We were married eleven years before we had our first daughter so I had my children much later than my friends. Most of my friends already have several grandchildren.  I taught in Carthage for five years, then I resigned and stayed home to raise our daughters for fifteen years.  Then I came back to teaching, so people my age are already retiring and I have a long way to go.

I am inspired by others though.  Today I was inspired by another teacher who told me that she is sixty-five.  She is full of life and energy and doesn't look a day over fifty.  I have another friend who is sixty-five and she is an office manager for two doctors offices and is our church worship leader. Another friend is around sixty and she also went back to teaching later.  She is single and went in to fostering children and has adopted two little girls.  My mother-in-law is seventy-five and she still works at Lowe's part-time and is a very active woman taking care of her own home, lawn and landscaping.

So you see, the tulips that come up a little later are just as beautiful as the ones that came up first.  We just get to enjoy them a little longer.


  1. Great post, Beth! I love the way you related your life to tulips. I'm glad I have had the chance to share in the first part of your career as a teacher as well as this part!

  2. I'm a late bloomer as well! I'm perfectly ok with being the last to finish, the last to go home, the last to reach a goal. What matters to me is that I did the best job that I could do with what I had.
