Yesterday I wrote about the day my Dad died so today I would like to write about some of my happy memories of my Dad.
He had a great sense of humor. He loved to smile a goofy smile in pictures. I have a picture of him wearing "Groucho" glasses with a mustache and his fishing hat. He loved to wear his fishing hats.
He liked to sing! Both Mom and Dad liked to sing so I don't know exactly which one of them I got my love for singing from. They liked to sing "specials" together at Church. Growing up in Church, I would sit between my Dad and Mom, and Dad taught me how to hold the hymn book up properly, so that I could see it without slouching and so that my voice would be heard over the hymn book because it wasn't covering my face. I still teach my students to hold their music like that. Dad would sing the melody and Mom would sing the alto harmony. I learned to harmonize listening to them sing.
Dad wanted to sing to my Mom for their 65th Wedding Anniversary, but he was too weak and also emotional so we just played the song he chose, "Look At Us." I know that I get my emotions from Dad! However, I was able to sing at his funeral to honor him, along with five of his nieces.
Dad got me my first violin when I was in the third grade. I remember him giving it to me and we carefully took it out of the case for the very first time. That is a sweet memory.
I also remember going into the bathroom and talking to Dad while he shaved at night. That would be one time I would have his full attention I guess. We only had one bathroom at the time with six kids in the house. Times have certainly changed.
He loved to garden! We had huge gardens, so we spent lots of time planting, weeding and picking green beans, cucumbers, peas, zucchini, okra, corn and tomatoes. Even after we were married, Dad would give us seeds and encourage us to plant flowers and vegetables. We always had big family meals which included home-grown vegetables.
I may write more about my Dad another day. These are just a few of many happy memories.
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